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How to Make Online Classes More Effective for Primary Children?

How to Make Online Classes More Effective for Primary Children?

The current global Pandemic has forced almost every industry throughout the world to go online. The education sector hasn’t been spared too. A revolutionary change in the education policies and methods by which primary schools operate, have turned around the lives of students and their parents.

Online education is a new concept for everyone, be it the students, teachers or parents. Almost everyone has been struggling to make the online mode of education more effective for students, especially for primary children, which is even more challenging than ever.

Tips for parents to increase the effectiveness of online classes

While the teachers are trying their best to make the most of these classes, the parents at home must encourage the children and create a learning atmosphere. Laid down by some of the best teachers in Jodhpur and expert advisors at Vidhyashram, given below is a list of suggestions by which the parents can make their children more proactive in learning and studying while they stay home.

Delegate a Study Area and Minimise distractions

The biggest challenge faced by the parents and teachers during an online class is to make the children concentrate on what is being taught to them. This can be made easier by delegating a study room, or a study area meant only for studying purposes.  The area should be ridden with any distractions, such as games, toys, electronics, etc., to ensure a focus-friendly zone.

Provide Feedback to the Teachers

You should always keep your child’s teachers updated regarding their performance, learning, and challenges they might face during their online classes. Sharing feedback can help the teachers to make the classes more learning-friendly for the children. Your suggestions might sometimes help all the children taking the same class.

Follow a Schedule to help build discipline at home

The most important thing to do while learning at home is to build an atmosphere of discipline at home so that the kids follow the instructions given to them. This becomes difficult as the home is often the playful environment for them. Therefore, parents should encourage children to follow a schedule with proper timings for sleeping, waking up, eating, studying, or doing homework to help build discipline at home.

Assist your Children during Online Classes

When it comes to primary children, some kids might face challenges while solving problems, writing new words or while doing their art and craft. Parents can provide this help only if they are available and attentive during their kid’s online class. Some children might also need assistance while muting, unmuting themselves, or logging in to their online classrooms.

Limit their Screen Time

Now that their school is online, there are very high chances that your child is spending too much time on screens. Too much screen time is bad for children and has many side effects, such as reduced concentration, lower sleep quality, eye strain, etc. Hence, it is crucial to limit your children’s screen time with proper rules in place.

Study-time apart from classes

When the classes are online, it is difficult for the teacher to track the progress of each and every student. Sometimes, some children might have difficulties understanding some concepts online, such as math problems. This challenge can be reduced by setting up one hour of revision time daily for the children where the parents can help them to revise whatever has been taught in the online class today. This will improve children’s understanding as well as memory power.

Teachers at Vidhyashram are giving in their best efforts to make these online classes more effective for their students. However, while we all stay home for our own safety, holistic development of the children can only be ensured if parents partner with teachers and get actively involved in their child’s education.

It is also essential that the parents do not push their children too hard. Primary children need supervision and assistance while studying. Moreover, they are used to the offline mode of learning, where teachers are always available physically in the classroom for their help. Hence, facing challenges in learning and some behavioural changes are common and should not be fretted about.

Just give your children some time and be patient with them. Do not scold them even if you have to explain the same thing a hundred times. Allow them to feel confident and fearless while asking questions and doubts.

The only way to help the children grow is by giving them what they need — understanding, patience, positivity, comfort and a lot of love.

Also read – How did Vidhyashram help children to study and learn in the pandemic

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