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Help Your Child Find Great Volunteer Opportunities

Help Your Child Find Great Volunteer Opportunities

Man learns at every stage into observation, communication, curiosity, responsibility, authorized action and collaboration. All these qualities drive human beings to look out for possibilities wherein they can volunteer in projects and make our society a better place to live.

The role of the educators, elders & parents is to teach  children to find numerous volunteering opportunities.

Spending time helping the community is an invaluable experience for kids. Volunteering your time and efforts can make the neighbors feel appreciated, your community areas cleaner, and even impact people on a greater level. Getting kids involved in community service at an early age can give them firsthand experience. Parents should be involved with kids and teach them the value of selfless service and giving something back to society.

Picking Up Trash

An easy way to help your community and get your children outdoors is to take a trash bag and a pair of gloves and go on a walk with them. As you walk, put the pieces of plastic, snack wrappers, fishing line, or any waste into the bag and dispose of them at the end of the walk. If you want to tackle a larger area, organize a group clean-up in a park or beach with your friends and their kids. 

Cooking for the Community

If your child likes cooking, there are lots of fun ways to volunteer work and help people. You can reach out to an organization in your community that provides meals to children. This will give them an idea of the needs in the community that affect children their age. While preparing healthy meals for needy people, they can learn about what types of foods are healthy to eat and why. 

Helping Local Animals 

Local animal shelters always look for people to walk dogs, take care of kittens, and provide foster care for animals. Another way to help could be to give money to buy pet supplies to give to your local SPCA.

Here are some more fun ways that the children can volunteer:

  • Participating in an organized running or any other competition that gives the proceeds to a charity.
  • Make and give popsicles to garbage truck workers or delivery drivers.
  • Plant trees at your school or nearby library.
  • Write thank-you notes to people who have done something good for the community.
  • Volunteer to take food and medicines for stray dogs. 
  • Adopt a local block and keep it clean.
  • Volunteer at a local monument, nature center, farm, or zoo.
  • Organize a neighborhood bake sale, lemonade stand, or car wash and donate the proceeds to charity.

Not sure where to start? Here are five ways to get your kids involved in volunteer opportunities that give back.

Start with a hands-on project.

Kids learn best from doing, so start with a hands-on project. Try to clean a park or beach, bring food to a local food bank, or have your kids go through their toys and books and donate to a local NGO.

Cater to your kids’ interests

Is your child an animal lover or a good cook, or a cleanliness freak? Find out what your kid loves doing the most. And get them involved in that particular activity. 

If your child is an animal lover, get them involved at a local animal shelter. If they are big readers? Try volunteering to read to folks at a nursing home or a hospital. If they like giving gifts? Make care packages for people in hospitals or soldiers overseas.

Let your children see the impact

It’s hard for kids to understand how volunteering can make a difference. Choose volunteer opportunities that make the impact clear. Seeing people smile at the nursing home or seeing how much garbage they picked up at school makes the experience more tangible and rewarding for children. 

Make a long-term goal

Once your kids see the impact of giving back to the community, find an ongoing opportunity to get your kids involved in the act of giving back. Start a monthly toiletry drive for a shelter, or take part in a fundraising campaign for a local charity.

Model getting involved

Kids are more likely to be interested in volunteer opportunities if they see the adults in their life-giving back to the community. Walk the talk and join your kids for whatever volunteer opportunities they’re excited about.

The Final Word 

Givers for life

By teaching lessons of gratitude and generosity early in life, you can set your kids up for a lifetime of giving back to those in need, to their local communities, and to cherished causes.

Also read – Music play a vital role in child development

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