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The 360º Development of a Child

The 360º Development of a Child

Early childhood is the most critical time for positive intervention. Development of child during this stage is strongly affected by their environment, and that effect continues to exert a strong influence on the rest of their lives. It is of the utmost importance that educational and life skills are imparted at this early stage of life. 

360-degree development has emerged as a leading trend in education. The idea is to engage students in a learning environment that will help them realize their enormous potential. 

The teachers play a major role in the holistic development of a child. They play the role of a caring facilitator, working towards interpreting the needs of the child and the requirements of the curriculum in order to provide meaningful learning experiences.

Since the journey of learning of a child starts in the school, the school plays a major role in designing and stimulating a learning environment where children can actively participate, grow and learn naturally. 

Develop Social, Emotional, and Academic Competence

Developing social and emotional skills in students teaches them how to manage stress while boosting social skills like collaboration and empathy. In this way, social and emotional skills involve developing greater awareness in kids. Our teachers teach these skills explicitly through different activities of social-emotional learning, which have improved students’ achievement, and their feelings of safety and belonging at school.

Foster a Supportive Environment 

Our school helps in a 360-degree development of a child by creating a positive school climate based on strong relationships amongst teachers and students, which provides a bedrock for learning. 

Students must feel a sense of trust and belonging in order to prosper in school. Some elements that help in fostering a supportive environment include:

  • Teachers work on inviting students’ experiences into the classroom and communicating that all students are valued.
  • Regular parent-teacher meetings to strengthen the connections between home and school.
  • Opportunities for collaboration between school heads and students to inbuilt a sense of leadership. 

Everything is Possible

A 360-degree development of child builds confidence and self-esteem amongst students, educators and parents. Vidhyashram together builds the culture of encouragement, acknowledgement and recognizing the achievements of all our capable students. 

It helps the kids to face their fears and overcome them. Incorporating physical activities, storytelling, scenario-building, theatre workshops, and other extracurricular activities help the students to engage their minds and believe in changing the impossible to possible. 

360-degree education beyond the classroom:

Schools are adopting various approaches to make learning interesting, including self-learning, analytical thinking, collaborative effort and so on. But, with schools performing their jobs, parents also play a major role in forming a 360-degree education beyond the classroom:

Travel for new experiences

What other way to expose your child to different cultures and get a sense of geography than exploring the cities together with them. Just like the old saying, ‘tell them and they’ll forget; show them and they’ll remember; involve them and they’ll learn.’ Take them to historical places or any science museum, and talk to the people in their local language, try local cuisines. Buy your kid a camera to keep a record or a diary to record their observations. This may be the encouragement needed for future geologists, anthropologists, linguists, or videographers.

Encourage Reading

Whether your child shows interest in reading or not, encourage them to read from a very young age. You can start with familiar books and then give them other interesting story books and novels to the older kids. Slowly you can include informative magazines or encyclopedias in their reading habit. Just make sure they’re age-appropriate. Encourage them to swap books with friends for a variety. Positively encourage them if they choose titles beyond fiction. But at the start, they should enjoy reading, so let them choose the material independently.


With a robust curriculum that provides a dynamic and broad-spectrum learning environment, we have always fostered critical thinking and life-long learning. For us, 360-Degree learning has been a way of child development—one full of growth, excitement, promises, challenges and adventure. 

Also read – Role of Primary Education in Child’s Development

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