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Mental stress relief –  The key to a comfortable life

Mental stress relief – The key to a comfortable life

मानसिक तनाव मुक्ति;सहज जीवन की कुंजी ⭐मनुष्य जन्म के साथ ही विकास की ओर अग्रसर रहता है। इस विकास के विभिन्न पड़ाव बचपन, किशोरावस्था, युवावस्था एवं वृद्धावस्था  हैं । यह बात सर्वविदित है किंतु हम में से कई लोग जानते हुए भी जीवन के कठिन पलों को संयम, चेतना एवं वैचारिक शक्ति का सहारा लिए […]

The Era of Hybrid Learning

The Era of Hybrid Learning

Since ages the Education system has followed face-to-face physical teaching and learning methodology. The Year 2020 has changed this concept to online education and we all, whether it be teacher, school, students or parent, have fantastically adapted ourselves to this novel practice. Now, as the pandemic is gradually fading out, educators have realized that a […]

Brain, Mind and Intelligence

Brain, Mind and Intelligence

Cognitive science is the study of the human mind and brain, focusing on how the mind represents and manipulates knowledge and how mental representations and processes are realized in the brain. The mind wants satisfaction now while the intellect understands that sometimes satisfaction may not happen now but, there will be satisfaction later with the […]



The meaning of success is different for everyone. For an artist, success might mean getting perfection in theart, the recognition it deserves or just being capable enough to make every creative idea work. Success for an entrepreneur might be the globalization of the company or just running a good, small business or providing quality servicefor […]

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