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Teachers’ Day Celebrations

Teachers’ Day Celebrations

Teachers’ Day was celebrated in Vidhyashram International School with full zest and fervor. The school’s amphitheatre buzzed with vibrancy as a special function was organized for the teachers, by the students. A variety of cultural show was presented by the children, which included Guru Vandana, dances, songs,skit and some instrumental music. They won everyone’s heart and the main attraction of the show was the ramp walk of the teachers with the toddlers . Later, the staff members were taken for the sumptuous lunch party organized by the management. The Principal Dr (Mrs) Bharti Swami reiterated the responsibility of teachers in the present scenario. The Chairman of the school Shri Vinay Kumar Jain also blessed the teachers calling them the builders of the nation. He encouraged them to work as a team to bring out the talent in each and every child  and participate in the betterment of the society.


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