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JOBS AT MY SCHOOL (Story Writing Activity)

JOBS AT MY SCHOOL (Story Writing Activity)

JOBS AT MY SCHOOL (Story Writing Activity)
The activity “Jobs at my School” was done with an aim to faster a sense of respect for work. The children also understood the importance and dignity of the work done by everyone for the smooth functioning of the school. On 21st August 2019, they formed the interviews conducted by them as the basis and wrote a picture story based on their experience. The students showed their creativity and grasp of the concept of dignity of labor. It was a group activity and all the participants showed a lot of enthusiasm. They understood the responsibilities nature of job and the importance of various employees in the smooth functioning of the school.

Dr. Bharti Swami Principal appreciated the efforts of the students and also said that such activities promote a deeper understanding of the important roles that various people play for the timely and successful attainment of varies set goals.
Mrs. Navjyot Rana (Activity Incharge) said that it was an enjoyable and enriching experience for the students and all the teachers involved. The candid interview with Madam Principal benefitted the students as they saw the school from her perspective and understood her aspirations and hopes. The students now surely appreciate on a much deeper level, the importance of all the “Jobs at their school”.

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